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Genesys Logic Officially Passes ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Accreditation リリース日:2006/12/29

[ Taipei, Taiwan ]

In order to protect nature and the living environment and reduce our influence on the environment due to business activities, Genesys Logic has officially been certified by AFAQ/BsetCERT, Ltd. and was awarded the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Accreditation on December 20 2006, thanks to the entire staff's hard work. Recommended by AFAQ/BsetCERT, Ltd. Genesys Logic will award the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Certificate in the beginning of 2007.


Genesys Logic's entire staff deeply understands that protecting the environment is the social responsibility of businesses, and preserving Earth's greenery and valuable resources is our unavoidable mission. In order to protect the environment and achieve sustainable development, Genesys Logic follows the following environmental policies:


• Observe environmental laws and other regulations. Establish an environmental corporation.
• Reserve resources and reduce consumption.
• Actualize classification of waste and ensure recycle and reuse.
• Implement environmental management system and continue to improve its performance.
• Strengthen education for employees and their environmental awareness.


At Genesys Logic, we express our care for the environment through our efforts in environmental protection. We will continue to uphold our emphasis on environmental policies and conduct tasks on environmental protection.

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